API docs V2
API docs V2
Frontend API
Backend API


Base URL


The Expozy API is organized around REST principles. It uses predictable resource-oriented URLs, standard HTTP verbs and response codes, and accepts and returns JSON-encoded request and response bodies.

Explore Expozy's API reference and templating documentation. You have access to everything from the Frontend API and Backend API.

Backend API

At the core of Expozy is the Backend API, available through REST. It provides data on products, customers, orders, inventory, fulfillment, and more.

Expozy offers a suite of APIs which allow developers to extend the platform's built-in features. These APIs allow partners to read and write merchant data, interoperate with other systems and platforms, and add new functionality to Expozy.

This documentation refers to Expozy's Frontend and Backend API.

Frontend API

Build the frontend of your website with Expozy's Frontend API and REST. It gives you the power and tools to bring your data to the live public.

Getting started

Example request headers

$ curl https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ or https://core.expozy.com/api/
 -H "Authorization: Bearer BOHe5RUvSuN416YYaY"
    -H "Authentication: Basic AAABBBBCCCCC"

In order to use Expozy's APIs, you must include the authorization and authentication headers within your request. Authentication is required for all POST, PUT, DELETE, and some GET requests. Authorization is necessary if you are trying to access endpoints reserved for Admins. See below how to obtain them.


To receive a token, you must log in with a username and a password. In this example, we will use the email [email protected] and the password gR&YUd5&14OK After successful login, the API will return a token that can be used to access restricted endpoints. The validity of the key is 30 days, after which you must generate a new one.

POST /login

$ curl https://core.expozy.com/api/login
  -d [email protected]
  -d password=gR&YUd5&14OK


Before using the API, you need to create an Expozy account. On creation, you will automatically be assigned one within your Admin Panel. If you wish to integrate it with third-party plugins, you have to request it directly from the administrators.

Example response

    "user": {
        "data": {
            "id": "3883",
            "attributes": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "name": "Demo",
                "roleNames": "administrator"
    "token": "3uYxE6kURJbra3Jf98"

Data filtering

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users/:id

You can use parameters for filtering on some of the methods provided by the API. For example, if you want to receive data for a specific user, simply add their ID to the path.

Throughout the documentation, keep in mind that :id must be replaced with the actual ID of the object.

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/categories?droplist=true

Other filters need to be specified via query parameters and their values are usually boolean, i.e., they only need to be true.

API Rate Limit

The rate limit is 5 calls per second per API user. An 'HTTP/ 429 Too Many Requests' error will be returned, when this limit is exceeded*.

*If the limit is exceeded, it is advisable to retry the requests which resulted in 'HTTP/ 429 Too Many Requests' with exponential backoff and max number of retries as the example bellow:

delay = retry counter * 500 milliseconds
1-st response 'HTTP/ 429 Too Many Requests'
set retry counter = 1
delay = 500 milliseconds

2-nd response 'HTTP/ 429 Too Many Requests'
set retry counter = 2
delay = 1000 milliseconds


N-th response 'HTTP/ 429 Too Many Requests'
set retry counter = N
delay = N*500 milliseconds

Web Application Firewall

The WAF analyses each request to Expozy's core in order to identify threats and every suspicious behavior is considered as such!

WAF bans every suspicious caller (IP) for 2 hours. If you are banned, please check your server logs for 403 HTTP errors. To avoid future bans you should carefully analyse your workflows and service behavior leading to error 403 and fix them accordingly.

Data Formats

TypeAllowed Values
IntegerInteger number from -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807
StringDependent on the data table's limit. Check specifications for more detail.
BooleanTrue or False
FloatFloating point numbers (e.g. 1.23). Precision depends on table column. Used normally for prices.


Expozy uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. A code in the range of 2xx indicates success, a code in the range of 4xx indicates there was a problem with the arguments provided (e.g., authentication or a required field was missing), and a code in the range of 5xx indicates an error occurred with Expozy's servers.

Authorization errors

(Status codes 401 and 403)

401 Unauthorized and 403 Forbidden

    "errors": [
        "Login first!"

An authorization error occurs whenever the headers contain wrong, outdated, or missing information.

Common causes

  • Expired API key

    Your API key might have expired, and you may need to request a new one.

  • Wrong tokens

    You may have mistyped your tokens. Please confirm whether the authorization and authentication headers are correct.

  • Restricted access

    You may be trying to access a restricted endpoint without the proper authorization headers in the request.

Not Found Errors

(Status code 404)

404 Not Found

    "errors": [
        "Not found!"

Not Found errors occur whenever you are trying to access information that does not exist.

Common causes

  • Wrong ID parameter

    The ID path parameter may be typed wrong.

  • Deleted data

    You may be trying to access data that has been deleted or archived.

  • Unauthorized access

    You may be trying to access data reserved for admins.

Internal Server Errors

(Status code 500)

500 Internal Server Error

    "errors": [
        "Something happened!"

Internal server errors may occur whenever the server is experiencing a heavy load, but could also have other causes related to the communication between client and server.

Common causes

  • Server Maintenance

    Server may be down for maintenance. Please check again later.

  • Server under load

    You may have sent multiple requests in quick succession, or the server itself may be experiencing heavy load.

  • Network Failure

    The network may be experiencing a heavy load or something may be obstructing communication with the server.

Validation errors

A validation error is returned when a request could not be fulfilled due to one or more invalid input values.

Example validation error

    "errors": [
        "[name='title']": "Product title is not set!",

Error fields

  • errors

    An array containing a list of errors with the validation.

  • key

    A key corresponding to the field where the error occurred.

  • value

    A human-readable description of the error. In this case it is "Product title is not set!"

Handling errors

Expozy's API will return an error object in case of an invalid PUT, POST or DELETE or GETrequest, and throw in any other error case.


Get account data

Return account data for current user

GET /accounts

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/accounts

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Edit user

Change user data.

PUT /accounts

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/accounts

Example Body

  "first_name": "qui exercitation ea incididunt",
  "last_name": "enim aute",
  "email": "dolor Lorem",
  "password": "in Ut",
  "password-repeat": "irure deserunt dolore sit",
  "phone": "id culpa eiusmod",
  "country": "aute laborum",
  "city": "ad nisi in",
  "address": "enim deserunt adipisicing",
  "address2": "magna voluptate ea in",
  "post_code": "ipsum in quis ex ad",
  "state": "culpa",
  "invoice_email": "est dolor dolor",
  "invoice_company": "sunt labore",
  "invoice_city": "adipisicing in",
  "invoice_country": "eu ea exercitation",
  "invoice_mol": "commodo tempor",
  "invoice_eik": "est qui",
  "invoice_address": "laborum et minim tempor",
  "invoice_phone": "ad eu quis",
  "zdds": "eu Ut",
  "zdds_registed": "ipsum anim magna"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Get account data

Return account data for current user

GET /users

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/users

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Edit user

Change user data.

PUT /users

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/users

Example Body

  "first_name": "qui exercitation ea incididunt",
  "last_name": "enim aute",
  "email": "dolor Lorem",
  "password": "in Ut",
  "password-repeat": "irure deserunt dolore sit",
  "phone": "id culpa eiusmod",
  "country": "aute laborum",
  "city": "ad nisi in",
  "address": "enim deserunt adipisicing",
  "address2": "magna voluptate ea in",
  "post_code": "ipsum in quis ex ad",
  "state": "culpa",
  "invoice_email": "est dolor dolor",
  "invoice_company": "sunt labore",
  "invoice_city": "adipisicing in",
  "invoice_country": "eu ea exercitation",
  "invoice_mol": "commodo tempor",
  "invoice_eik": "est qui",
  "invoice_address": "laborum et minim tempor",
  "invoice_phone": "ad eu quis",
  "zdds": "eu Ut",
  "zdds_registed": "ipsum anim magna"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Register user

Registers a user.

POST /users

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/users

Example Body

  "email": "do",
  "password": "id dolore anim veniam elit",
  "password2": "ea sed",
  "first_name": "voluptate culpa quis",
  "last_name": "occaecat aliqua deserunt sit",
  "phone": "aliquip ipsum"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Logs user in the system

Logs the user into the system.

POST /login

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/login

Example Body

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "123"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Reset password.

Post a request for password reset.

POST /forgot_password

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/forgot_password

Example Body

  "email": "ex dolore deserunt"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Logs the user out

Logs the user out of the system.

POST /logout

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/logout

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Update user's company

Update user's company.

PUT /company

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/company

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860


Get memberships

Return all memberships

GET /memberships

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/memberships

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get a membership

Return a membership by ID.

GET /memberships/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/memberships/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get current menu

Returns current menu

GET /menu

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/menu

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Delete an item from cart

Delete the selected item from cart

DELETE /carts/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/carts/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Delete an item from wishlist

Delete the selected item from the wishlist/favorites collection.

DELETE /wishlist/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/wishlist/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Get products

Returns all products optionally filtered by given query parameters

GET /products

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/products?warehouse_id=68240318&attr_val=68240318&price_from=&price_to=&category_id=97108103&category_id=17552783&provider_id=68240318&tag=dolore ex ullamco&tags=eu sit&tags=dolore consectetur id&search=dolore ex ullamco&admin_search=dolore ex ullamco&brands=97108103&brands=17552783&only_active=dolore ex ullamco&only_promo=true&promotions=true&deleted=68240318&only_instock=true&only_featured=true&only_image=true&only_product_ids=true&only_membership_accessible=true&reverse_auction=true&related_id=68240318&sort=dolore ex ullamco


  • warehouse_id

    Filter data for products from this warehouse

  • attr_val

    Attribute value, e.g. 1, 2, 5

  • price_from

    Lower limit for price

  • price_to

    Lower limit for price

  • category_id

    Filter by category

  • category_id

    Filter by category

  • provider_id


  • tag

    Tag (example: дрехи)

  • tags

    Tags (example: дрехи)

  • tags

    Tags (example: дрехи)

  • search

    Search query

  • admin_search

    Search query

  • brands

    Filter by brands (supply array of ints)

  • brands

    Filter by brands (supply array of ints)

  • only_active

    Filter only active products (ex. values: 0, 1)

  • only_promo

    Filter only promotional items

  • promotions

    Filter only promotional items

  • deleted

    Whether to return only deleted items

  • only_instock

    Filter only items in stock, true by default

  • only_featured

    Filter to featured items

  • only_image

    Filter only if product contains image

  • only_product_ids

    Filter to these product_ids

  • only_membership_accessible

    Filter to items accessible with membership

  • reverse_auction

    Filter to items present in reverse auction

  • related_id

    Filter items related to this ID

  • sort

    Sort type (allowed values: oldest, min_price, max_price, discount, title, order, boost

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Same as product/id

Returns all products or a product by ID

GET /products/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/products/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get a product

Returns a product by ID

GET /product/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/product/:id?slug=dolore ex ullamco


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • slug

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get brands

Returns all brands

GET /brands

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/brands

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get brands

Returns a brand by ID

GET /brands/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/brands/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get a product category

Returns a category by ID

GET /category/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/category/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get product category

Same as /category/{id}

GET /categories/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/categories/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get product categories

Returns all categories or a category by ID

GET /categories

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/categories?droplist=&search=dolore ex ullamco&admin_search=dolore ex ullamco&only_active=true&only_products=dolore ex ullamco&product_ids=97108103&product_ids=17552783&product_id=68240318&only_featured=68240318&parent=dolore ex ullamco&only_image=68240318&sort=dolore ex ullamco


  • droplist

    Whether to return the categories as a tree

  • search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • admin_search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • only_active

    Return only active product categories

  • only_products

    Return only products

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_id

    Return the category matching this product_id

  • only_featured

    Return only featured categories/products (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • parent

    Return the category with this parent

  • only_image

    Return only categories with title image (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • sort

    Sort type, allowed values: 'oldest', 'products', 'title'

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get cart

Return the current cart

GET /cart

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/cart

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get cart

Return the current cart

GET /carts

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/carts

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Edit cart

Change the quantity of one or several items in the cart. Returns the current cart.

PUT /carts

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/carts

Example Body

  "variation_id": 89157797,
  "quantity": 85208405,
  "qty": -72210389,
  "warehouse_id": -97203617,
  "shipping_from": "nisi quis",
  "shipping_to": "et nostrud"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Add a product to cart

Add a product to cart.

POST /carts

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/carts

Example Body

  "product_id": -58820958,
  "quantity": 33196915,
  "qty": -56689015,
  "warehouse_id": 6939648,
  "shipping_from": "in veniam",
  "shipping_to": "cillum quis labore",
  "variation_id": -87187117

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get order

Return an order specified by ID

GET /order/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/order/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get orders

Return all orders for the current user

GET /orders

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/orders?limit=


  • status

    order status

  • limit

    Number of orders to display (default: 1000)

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Process order

Process current order. *Address properties are mutually exclusive. **Invoice properties are required if `wantInvoice` is set to true.

POST /orders

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/orders

Example Body

  "first_name": "occaeca",
  "last_name": "sint anim",
  "email": "ad culpa dolor",
  "phone": "cillum sed enim",
  "post_code": "Excepteur reprehenderit mollit veniam",
  "terms": "Ut",
  "payment_method": "Excepteur non ipsum",
  "invoice_zdds": false,
  "wantInvoice": true,
  "addressSpeedyOfis": "consectetur anim",
  "addressEkontOfis": "magna anim",
  "addressEcont": "pariatur Duis ex",
  "address": "nisi in reprehenderit",
  "invoice_company": "deserunt labore consectetur magna Lorem",
  "invoice_eik": "cillum quis ea anim deserunt",
  "invoice_city": "in aute quis",
  "invoice_address": "eiusmod Lorem occaecat dolor",
  "invoice_phone": "dolore ad dolor",
  "city": "Excepteur Ut non",
  "comment": "labore cupidatat amet",
  "address2": "laboris proident sit cupidatat",
  "state": "qui reprehenderit Lorem",
  "country": "voluptate anim",
  "shipping_shop": "amet enim",
  "country_id": "consequat sit"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Same as /order/{id}

GET /orders/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/orders/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Edit an order

Change an order's status or payment method.

PUT /orders/:id

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/orders/:id

Example Body

  "order_status": -40842115,
  "payment_method": 69493262


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Get favourites

Return all favourites

GET /favourites

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/favourites

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get favourites

Return all favourites

GET /wishlist

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/wishlist

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Adds product to wishlist/favorite directory.

Adds product to wishlist/favorite directory.

POST /wishlist

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/wishlist

Example Body

  "product_id": 71873023

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Download a product

Download a product by ID

GET /download

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/download?product_id=68240318


  • product_id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get providers

Return data for all providers or a provider by ID.

GET /providers

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/providers?category_id=-18184706&user_id=-18184706


  • category_id

    Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

  • user_id

    Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get providers

Return data for a provider by ID.

GET /providers/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/providers/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get invoice

Return data for an invoice by ID.

GET /invoices/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/invoices/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get product filters

Return data for all product filters optionally filtered by query parameters.

GET /product_filters

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/product_filters?category_id=68240318&tag=dolore ex ullamco&tags=eu sit&tags=dolore consectetur id


  • category_id

  • tag

  • tags

  • tags

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get BORICA form

Return BORICA form.

GET /borica

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/borica?link=dolore ex ullamco


  • link


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get EPAY form

Return EPAY form.

GET /epay

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/epay?link=dolore ex ullamco


  • link


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get myPOS form

Return myPOS form.

GET /mypos

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/mypos?link=dolore ex ullamco


  • link


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get product attributes

Return attribute values for a product by ID.

GET /product_attributes

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/product_attributes?product_id=68240318&attr_value_ids=dolore ex ullamco


  • product_id

    ID of the product

  • attr_value_ids

    IDs of the attributes you wish to select, separated by commas(,)

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get product attribute

Return a product attribute by ID.

GET /product_attributes/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/product_attributes/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get combinations

Return all combinations.

GET /combinations

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/combinations

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get combinations

Return a combination by ID.

GET /combinations/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/combinations/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get loyalty card data

Return loyalty card data.

GET /loyalty_card/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/loyalty_card/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get current user's loyalty card data

Return current user's loyalty card data.

GET /my_loyalty_card

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/my_loyalty_card

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Apply promocode to current cart.

Apply promocode to current cart.

POST /promocode

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/promocode

Example Body

  "promocode": "in quis laborum"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Post returns.

Add an item for return.

POST /returns

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/returns

Example Body

  "option_id": -89306156,
  "condition_id": -31785172,
  "orders_items_id": 91000264,
  "iban": "in incididun",
  "iban_name": "velit ut",
  "note": "Duis eu enim nulla"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Confirm payment.

Confirm payment request. Only one of the payment methods must be included.

POST /payment_confirm

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/payment_confirm

Example Body

  "stripe": true,
  "order_id": "voluptate"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Apply coupon

Apply coupon.

PUT /coupons/:id

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/coupons/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Apply promotion

Apply promotion.

PUT /promotions/:id

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/promotions/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860


Get pages possibly filtered

Returns all pages possibly filtered

GET /pages

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/pages?category_id=68240318&search=dolore ex ullamco&admin_search=dolore ex ullamco


  • category_id

    Filter by category

  • search

    Search query

  • admin_search

    Search query

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get pages

Returns a page by ID

GET /pages/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/pages/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get blog posts

Returns all blog posts

GET /blogPosts

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/blogPosts?category_id=68240318&search=dolore ex ullamco&admin_search=dolore ex ullamco&only_active=true&only_products=dolore ex ullamco&product_ids=97108103&product_ids=17552783&product_id=68240318&only_featured=68240318&parent=dolore ex ullamco&only_image=68240318&sort=dolore ex ullamco


  • category_id

    Filter by a category

  • search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • admin_search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • only_active

    Return only active product categories

  • only_products

    Return only products

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_id

    Return the category matching this product_id

  • only_featured

    Return only featured categories/products (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • parent

    Return the category with this parent

  • only_image

    Return only categories with title image (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • sort

    Sort type, allowed values: 'oldest', 'products', 'title'

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get blog posts

Returns a blog post by ID

GET /blogPosts/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/blogPosts/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Edit a blog post

Edit a blog post's data. Supports image attachments (allowed formats: `JPG`,`PNG`,`GIF`,`WEBP`).

PUT /blogPosts/:id

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/blogPosts/:id

Example Body

  "title": "labore",
  "html": "ex consectetur",
  "seo-title": "consectetur qui",
  "seo-description": "minim"


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Get blog categories

Returns all blog categories

GET /blogCategories

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/blogCategories?category_id=68240318&search=dolore ex ullamco&admin_search=dolore ex ullamco&only_active=true&only_products=dolore ex ullamco&product_ids=97108103&product_ids=17552783&product_id=68240318&only_featured=68240318&parent=dolore ex ullamco&only_image=68240318&sort=dolore ex ullamco


  • category_id

    Filter by a category

  • search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • admin_search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • only_active

    Return only active product categories

  • only_products

    Return only products

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_id

    Return the category matching this product_id

  • only_featured

    Return only featured categories/products (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • parent

    Return the category with this parent

  • only_image

    Return only categories with title image (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • sort

    Sort type, allowed values: 'oldest', 'products', 'title'

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get blog categories

Returns a category by ID

GET /blogCategories/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/blogCategories/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Delete an advertisement/announcement

Delete an advertisement/announcement.

DELETE /delete_advertisement/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/delete_advertisement/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Delete an image from ad

Delete an image from ad

DELETE /ads_images/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_images/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Get ad data

Return data for an ad by ID.

GET /ads/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads/:id


  • id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Edit an ad

Edit an ad's data. Supports image attachments (allowed formats: `JPG`,`PNG`,`GIF`,`WEBP`).

PUT /ads/:id

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/ads/:id

Example Body

  "title": "exercitation sint culpa Ut"


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Delete an ad

Delete an ad

DELETE /ads/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/ads/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Get ad data

Return data for all ads.

GET /ads

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads?search=dolore ex ullamco&admin_search=68240318&type=68240318&status=68240318&user=68240318&category=68240318&only_vip=68240318&options=dolore ex ullamco


  • search

    Keywords to search for

  • admin_search

  • type

  • status

  • user

  • category

  • only_vip

  • options

    Comma-delimited list of options, e.g. 1,2,3,4

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Post an ad.

Add an ad. Supports image attachments (allowed formats: `JPG`,`PNG`,`GIF`,`WEBP`).

POST /ads

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/ads

Example Body

  "title": "labore adipisicing",
  "type_id": "sunt amet labore consectetur",
  "fields": [
    "aliqua esse ullamco tempor sit",
    "do irure"
  "status_id": "ut",
  "category_id": -23898130,
  "subtitle": "Duis aliqua",
  "tags": "aliqua incididunt tempor officia nulla"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad plan data

Return data for all ad plans.

GET /ads_plans

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_plans

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad plan data

Return data for an ad plan by ID.

GET /ads_plans/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_plans/:id


  • id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad type data

Return data for all ad types.

GET /ads_types

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_types

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad type data

Return data for an ad type by ID.

GET /ads_types/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_types/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad field data

Return data for all ad fields.

GET /ads_fields

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_fields?type_id=-18184706


  • type_id

    Return data for this ad type.

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad field data

Return data for all ad fields or an ad field by ID.

GET /ads_fields/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_fields/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad category data

Return data for all ad categories.

GET /ads_categories

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_categories

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad category data

Return data for an ad category by ID.

GET /ads_categories/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_categories/:id


  • id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ad wishlist data

Return data for the current ad wishlist.

GET /ads_wishlist

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/ads_wishlist

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Edit an ad

Edit an ad's data.

PUT /edit_advertisement/:id

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/edit_advertisement/:id

Example Body

  "title": "aute quis",
  "body": "incididunt occaecat cupidatat",
  "slug": "et id incididunt occaecat",
  "category_id": "ad amet et"


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860

Activate an ad

Activate an ad specified by ID in path.

PUT /activate_advertisement/:id

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/activate_advertisement/:id

Example Body

  "months_num": "nulla",
  "body": "ullamco aute Ut consectetur"


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -6801860


Subscribes to newsletter.

Subscribes the user to newsletter.

POST /subscribe

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/subscribe

Example Body

  "newsletter-checkbox": true,
  "email": "ut non sit"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get settings

Return all membership or a membership by ID.

GET /settings

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/settings


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get web settings

Return all web settings.

GET /settings_web

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/settings_web

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Return search data for products and categories.

GET /search

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/search?search=dolore ex ullamco


  • search


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get languages

Return all languages.

GET /languages

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/languages


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get sliders

Return all sliders or a slider by ID.

GET /sliders

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/sliders?region=dolore ex ullamco


  • region

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get slider sections

Return front slider sections

GET /slider_sections

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/slider_sections

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get currencies

Return all currencies or a currency by code or the default one. If `default` specified, will return the default currency. If `code` is specified, will return the currency corresponding to it.

GET /currencies

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/currencies?default=true&code=dolore ex ullamco&value=68240318


  • default

    Return default currency

  • code

    Return currency corresponding to this value

  • value

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get a currency

Return a currency by ID.

GET /currencies/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/currencies/:id


  • id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get countries

Return all countries.

GET /countries

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/countries?region=dolore ex ullamco


  • region

    Region code, 'EU' can be used as a value

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get countries

Return a country by ID.

GET /countries/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/countries/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get regions

Return data for all regions.

GET /regions

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/regions?selected=68240318


  • selected

    Return data for a selected region's code

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get regions

Return data for a region by ID.

GET /regions/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/regions/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get reviews/comments

Return all reviews/comments for a product by ID.

GET /reviews

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/reviews?product_id=68240318&type=68240318&LIMIT=68240318&rating=68240318


  • product_id


  • type


  • rating

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Post a new review/comment.

Post a new review/comment.

POST /reviews

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/reviews

Example Body

  "comment": "sint cillum ut dolor",
  "subject_id": "proident non ullamco exercitation",
  "rating": -26637729,
  "subject": "officia in in sed",
  "parent_id": "aute id",
  "name": "ea rep"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get messages

Return data for all messages.

GET /messages

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/messages?only_new=true


  • only_new

    Return only new messages

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Post a new message.

Send a new message.

POST /messages

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/messages

Example Body

  "receiver_id": -44828161,
  "subject": "enim non veniam",
  "message": "amet id"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get messages

Return data for a single message or messages for a group discussion.

GET /messages/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/messages/:id?grouped=true


  • id


  • grouped

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Send a message to site admins.

Send a message to site admins.

POST /admin_contacts

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin_contacts

Example Body

  "receiver_id": -60276299,
  "subject": "mollit",
  "message": "laboris a",
  "subject_id": "aliquip Excepteur sunt"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get QA

Return all QA data for a product by ID.

GET /qa

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/qa?product_id=68240318&status=68240318


  • product_id


  • status


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Post a QA.

Add a QA.

POST /qa

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/qa

Example Body

  "product_id": -54981331,
  "text": "anim officia pariatur nostru",
  "user_name": "laborum cillum anim",
  "subject": "tempor et velit ad",
  "parent_id": -86010791,
  "user_id": 62776291,
  "status": -2226186

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get QA

Return all QA data for a product by ID.

GET /qa/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/qa/:id?product_id=68240318


  • id


  • product_id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get warehouse data

Return all warehouses with optional filters.

GET /warehouses

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/warehouses


  • user_id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get warehouse data

Return a warehouse by ID.

GET /warehouses/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/warehouses/:id


  • id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get shippings

Return all shippings

GET /shippings

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/shippings?only_active=


  • only_active

    Display only active shipments

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get Speedy offices

Return Speedy offices.

GET /speedy

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/speedy

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get ECONT offices

Return ECONT offices.

GET /econt

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/econt

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Return cookies.

GET /cookie

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/cookie

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get banners

Return data for all banners.

GET /banners

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/banners?popup=68240318&page_id=68240318


  • popup

  • page_id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get banners

Return data for a banner by ID.

GET /banners/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/banners/:id


  • id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Get partners

Return all partners.

GET /partners

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/partners

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get partners

Return a partner by ID.

GET /partners/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/partners/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get timeslots

Returns data for warehouse timeslots.

GET /time_slots

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/time_slots?warehouse_id=68240318&day=68240318


  • warehouse_id

  • day

    Filter to day hours

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Get timeslots

Returns a timeslot by ID.

GET /time_slots/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/time_slots/:id


  • id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"

Blog do hits.

Does something.

POST /blogdoHits/:id

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/blogdoHits/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 26984375,
  "msg": "ut consequat dolor ad nulla"


Delete logins for a user

Delete logins for a user specified by ID.

DELETE /users_login/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users_login/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete bans for a user

Delete bans for a user specified by ID.

DELETE /users_bans/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users_bans/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get a user

Returns a user by ID.

GET /users/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the User

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete user

Delete a user specified by ID.

DELETE /users/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Same as /users

Returns all users or return a user by email.

GET /accounts

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/accounts?email=


  • email

    Email of the User

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Same as /users

Returns a user by ID.

GET /accounts/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/accounts/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the User

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get a user

Returns all users or a user by email.

GET /users

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users?email=


  • email

    Email of the User

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a user

Add a new user

POST /users

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users

Example Body

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "user123",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Smith",
  "userlevel": 9

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get data for all sellers.

Returns all sellers.

GET /sellers

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/sellers

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get users for messages.

Returns users for messages.

GET /users_for_messages

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users_for_messages

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Gets user levels.

Returns users levels.

GET /user_levels

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/user_levels

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get notify logs.

Returns notify header logs data.

GET /notify_logs

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/notify_logs

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get the user's cart.

Returns user cart data for ID specified in the path.

GET /users_cart/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/users_cart/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get data for user groups

Return data for all user groups

GET /user_groups

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/user_groups

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get data for user groups

Return data for a user group specified by ID

GET /user_groups/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/user_groups/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a request for resetting password.

Handles occasions where the user password has been lost. Providing `email` is mandatory.

POST /forgotten_pass

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/forgotten_pass

Example Body

  "email": "culpa"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get pages data

Returns a page by ID.

GET /pages/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the page

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new page.

Post a new page.

POST /pages/:id

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages/:id

Example Body

  "title": "Duis eiusmod",
  "body": "Ut Excepteur adipisicing",
  "site_id": "minim ut",
  "seo_title": "Duis ex cupidatat",
  "seo_tags": "deserunt mollit minim ullamco",
  "seo_description": "ex nisi consequat",
  "active": 15700018,
  "category_id": -5030996,
  "description": "commodo ea minim sunt",
  "slug": "et"


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a page

Delete a page specified by ID.

DELETE /pages/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a page image

Delete an image for a page specified by ID.

DELETE /page_image/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/page_image/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a blog post image

Delete image for a blog post specified by ID.

DELETE /blogPostImage/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogPostImage/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a blog post file

Delete a file for a blog post specified by ID.

DELETE /blogPostsFile/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogPostsFile/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a blog category

Delete a blog category specified by ID.

DELETE /blogCategories/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogCategories/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get pages categories data

Returns a page category by ID.

GET /pages_categories/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages_categories/:id


  • id

    ID of the category

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a page category

Delete a page category specified by ID.

DELETE /pages_categories/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages_categories/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get pages data

Returns all pages. If 'list' is specified, returns a structured list.

GET /pages

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages?list=false


  • list

    List of pages

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Edit a page HTML

Edit a page HTML.

PUT /pages

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages

Example Body

  "id": -84739669,
  "html": "quis ex in",
  "lang": "pariatur consequat sunt sed dolore"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get pages categories data

Returns all page categories either in a list or a droplist depending on the query argument specified.

GET /pages_categories

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages_categories?list=true&dropList=true


  • list

    List of categories

  • dropList

    DropList of categories

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new pages category

Add a new pages category.

POST /pages_categories

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pages_categories

Example Body

  "list": [
      "id": 26539895
      "id": 97635625

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get products data

Returns data for a product

GET /products/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID for the selected project.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Modify a product by ID

Modify a product. (Supports image attachments)

PUT /products/:id

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products/:id

Example Body

  "title": "dolore",
  "ref_number": "ut commodo",
  "body": "sunt deserunt in",
  "images": [
      "value": "reference images not found in the OpenAPI spec"
      "value": "reference images not found in the OpenAPI spec"
  "type": -79001142,
  "slug": "ipsum consectetur a",
  "price": -43288443.64064959,
  "promoprice": 31060402.186373845,
  "provider": {},
  "weight": "fugiat enim deserunt minim",
  "length": "incididunt officia enim cupidatat",
  "bg": "ad minim ut mollit",
  "width": "sunt incididunt lab",
  "height": "elit sunt proident",
  "status": -72318274,
  "seo_title": "nisi in culpa ullamco",
  "seo_tags": "aliqua veniam aute",
  "seo_description": "fugiat aute",
  "model_info": "dolore tempor",
  "label_info": "laborum occaecat dolor irure",
  "focus": -31175139,
  "started": "dolore voluptate dolor",
  "expired": "incididunt et velit laboris"


  • id

    (Required) ID of the product being modified

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Modify a product by ID

Modify a product.

POST /products/:id

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products/:id

Example Body

  "title": "deserunt",
  "ref_number": "in ea",
  "body": "cillum",
  "images": [
      "value": "reference images not found in the OpenAPI spec"
      "value": "reference images not found in the OpenAPI spec"
  "type": -41152972,
  "slug": "dolore irure",
  "price": -32440335.46921763,
  "promoprice": 11942718.217698276,
  "provider": {},
  "weight": "dolore culpa ",
  "length": "magna Duis pariatur c",
  "bg": "culpa ut",
  "width": "et non",
  "height": "ex reprehenderit Lorem dolore",
  "status": -11319601,
  "seo_title": "ullamco enim ut quis",
  "seo_tags": "nisi",
  "seo_description": "quis",
  "model_info": "minim laboris tempor commodo",
  "label_info": "irure commodo",
  "focus": -9588993,
  "started": "la",
  "expired": "laboris qui"


  • id

    (Required) ID of the product being modified

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a product

Delete a product by ID, if `delete` is not provided, the product will be archived instead.

DELETE /products/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products/:id?delete=true


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • delete

    If `True`, delete; otherwise, archive.

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get product attributes data for this product attribute

GET /product_attributes/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_attributes/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the selected project.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete attributes for a product

Delete attributes for a product.

DELETE /product_attributes/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_attributes/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete images for a product

Delete images for a product.

DELETE /productImage/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/productImage/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete file for a product

Delete file for a product.

DELETE /productFile/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/productFile/:id?file=-56319185


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • file

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get order data

Returns an order specified by the ID.

GET /orders/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/orders/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete an order

Delete an order specified by ID.

DELETE /orders/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/orders/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get product category data

Get data for this product category

GET /product_categories/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_categories/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the selected project.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a product category or the image in one

Delete a product category or the image in one specified by ID.

DELETE /product_categories/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_categories/:id?image=true


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • image

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a product attribute

Delete a product attribute.

DELETE /products_attributes/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products_attributes/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a product attribute's value

Delete a product attribute's value.

DELETE /products_attributes_values/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products_attributes_values/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get promotions data for a given ID

GET /promotions/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/promotions/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the selected project.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a promotion

Delete a promotion specified by ID.

DELETE /promotions/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/promotions/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a loyalty level

Delete a loyalty level specified by ID.

DELETE /loyalty_levels/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/loyalty_levels/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get brands data.

Returns data for a brand with ID specified in the path.

GET /brands/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/brands/:id


  • id

    If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a brand

Delete a brand specified by ID.

DELETE /brands/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/brands/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a brand's image

Delete a brand's image specified by ID.

DELETE /brand_image/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/brand_image/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get combinations

Returns data for a combination specified in path

GET /combinations/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combinations/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a combination

Delete a combination specified by ID.

DELETE /combinations/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combinations/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a combination image

Delete a combination image specified by ID.

DELETE /combinations_image/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combinations_image/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get combinations

Returns data for a combination specified in path

GET /combination_categories/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combination_categories/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a combination category

Delete a combination category specified by ID.

DELETE /combination_categories/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combination_categories/:id?image=true


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • image

    Whether to only delete an image

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get products data

Return data for all products.

GET /products

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products?warehouse_id=-56319185&attr_val=-56319185&price_from=&price_to=&category_id=23843476&category_id=40664608&provider_id=-56319185&tag=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&tags=velit ullamco voluptate&tags=cillum dol&search=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&admin_search=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&brands=23843476&brands=40664608&only_active=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&only_promo=true&promotions=true&deleted=-56319185&only_instock=true&only_featured=true&only_image=true&only_product_ids=true&only_membership_accessible=true&reverse_auction=true&related_id=-56319185&sort=aliqua fugiat eu in sit


  • warehouse_id

    Filter data for products from this warehouse

  • attr_val

    Attribute value, e.g. 1, 2, 5

  • price_from

    Lower limit for price

  • price_to

    Lower limit for price

  • category_id

    Filter by category

  • category_id

    Filter by category

  • provider_id


  • tag

    Tag (example: дрехи)

  • tags

    Tag (example: дрехи)

  • tags

    Tag (example: дрехи)

  • search

    Search query

  • admin_search

    Search query

  • brands

    Filter by brands (supply array of ints)

  • brands

    Filter by brands (supply array of ints)

  • only_active

    Filter only active products (ex. values: 0, 1)

  • only_promo

    Filter only promotional items

  • promotions

    Filter only promotional items

  • deleted

    Whether to return only deleted items

  • only_instock

    Filter only items in stock, true by default

  • only_featured

    Filter to featured items

  • only_image

    Filter only if product contains image

  • only_product_ids

    Filter to these product_ids

  • only_membership_accessible

    Filter to items accessible with membership

  • reverse_auction

    Filter to items present in reverse auction

  • related_id

    Filter items related to this ID

  • sort

    Sort type (allowed values: oldest, min_price, max_price, discount, title, order, boost

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Modify products

Modify products. Request bodies must be structured in a certain way and all of them are mutually exclusive. - If the body contains the key `massAction`, it also needs to contain product IDs to perform it on. - If it contains the key `unarchive`, the value corresponding to it must be the ID of the product you wish to unarchive. - If it contains the key `quickEdit`, look at the implementation for more detail.

POST /products

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products

Example Body

  "massAction": 1,
  "action": "active",
  "selected_products": [

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get product categories data

If list is specified, will return a list with all product categories. If dropList is specified, spacer, level, parent_id and selected need to set, too. Otherwise, see the other parameters.

GET /product_categories

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_categories?list=true&dropList=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&spacer=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&level=13188216&parent_id=13188216&selected=true&search=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&admin_search=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&only_active=true&only_products=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&product_ids=23843476&product_ids=40664608&product_id=-56319185&only_featured=-56319185&parent=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&only_image=-56319185&sort=aliqua fugiat eu in sit


  • list

    Return data in a sorted list.

  • dropList

    Return data in a sorted list based on the following optional parameters.

  • spacer


  • level


  • parent_id

    Id of parent

  • selected


  • search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • admin_search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • only_active

    Return only active product categories

  • only_products

    Return only products

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_id

    Return the category matching this product_id

  • only_featured

    Return only featured categories/products (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • parent

    Return the category with this parent

  • only_image

    Return only categories with title image (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • sort

    Sort type, allowed values: 'oldest', 'products', 'title'

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new product category

Add a new product category.

POST /product_categories

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_categories

Example Body

  "sortItems": "",
  "list": [
      "id": -9794163
      "id": -39823824

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get product attributes data

If ID specified, returns data for that product ID, otherwise data for all products.

GET /product_attributes

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_attributes?product_id=13188216


  • product_id

    Return data for the selected product.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post product attributes

Post new product attributes.

POST /product_attributes

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_attributes

Example Body

  "title": "mollit ex voluptate non id",
  "type": 68119893

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get product attributes values data

If ID specified, returns data for that product ID, otherwise data for all products.

GET /product_attributes_values

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_attributes_values?attribute_id=13188216&only_colors=13188216&only_ids=34752310&only_ids=44746007


  • attribute_id

    Return attribute values for this attribute_id.

  • only_colors

    Return attribute values only for color attributes (allowed values: 0, 1).

  • only_ids

    Return data for these ids

  • only_ids

    Return data for these ids

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post product attributes

Post new product attributes.

POST /product_attributes_values

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_attributes_values

Example Body

  "attribute_id": 23850052,
  "value": "c",
  "color": "do qui"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get product attributes values data

If ID specified, returns data for that product ID, otherwise data for all products.

GET /product_attributes_values/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_attributes_values/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the selected project.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get product types data

Returns product types.

GET /product_types

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_types

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get product statuses

Returns all product statuses

GET /product_statuses

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_statuses

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get promotion for the selected product

Returns the promotion for the product specified by the ID.

GET /product_promotion/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_promotion/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get promotions data

Get data for all promotions and some miscellaneous function.

GET /promotions

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/promotions?sheme=true&generatePromocode=13188216


  • sheme

  • generatePromocode

    Generates a random promocode

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post promotions

Post new promotions.

POST /promotions

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/promotions

Example Body

  "title": "cupidatat amet ullam",
  "type": 24619596,
  "promocode": "et velit nisi consequat tempor",
  "discount_type": "fugiat ullamco dolor",
  "discount_type_amount": "in reprehenderit exerc",
  "discount_type_percent": "fugiat",
  "discount_subject": "incididunt proident",
  "discount_subject_orders_over": "Duis fugiat enim nulla",
  "discount_subject_product": "occaecat nisi nostrud",
  "discount_subject_category": "dolore tempor velit",
  "discount_subject_collection": "do aliquip consequat",
  "validity": 17072374,
  "active": -95852244

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get CSV data

Return all data in CSV format.

GET /product_csv

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/product_csv

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get order statuses

Return all order types.

GET /order_statuses

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/order_statuses

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get possible order payments

Return all payment gateways.

GET /order_payments

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/order_payments

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get order data

Returns all orders and filter through specific query parameters.

GET /orders

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/orders?user_id=13188216&status=13188216&statusDate=aliqua fugiat eu in sit


  • user_id

    Get orders for this user.

  • status

    Get orders by status.

  • statusDate

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Modify orders

Modify orders

PUT /orders

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/orders

Example Body

  "id": -3262350,
  "first_name": "deserunt dolor ipsum",
  "last_name": "officia dolore anim veniam occaecat",
  "email": "occaecat Excepteur ad aliqua",
  "phone": "Excepteur nulla veniam",
  "address": "ut",
  "city": "veniam exercitation eiusmod Excepteur",
  "address2": "laboris ex",
  "tracking_number": "dolor voluptate"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS order data

Returns all POS orders.

GET /pos_orders

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_orders

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS order data

Returns all POS orders or a POS order specified by the ID.

GET /pos_orders/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_orders/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get revenue per clients

Returns revenue per client for all clients.

GET /revenue_clients

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/revenue_clients

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get client with most orders

Returns client with most orders.

GET /most_orders_clients

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/most_orders_clients

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get imports data.

Returns product imports data sorted in descending order of purchase date.

GET /imports

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/imports

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get data for returned items.

Returns data for items returned by clients.

GET /returns

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/returns

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post returns

Add or edit a return.

POST /returns

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/returns

Example Body

  "id": 75459425,
  "status": -33936141,
  "date_paid": "aliqua adipisicing",
  "note": "irure qui veni"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get data for returned items.

Returns data for this return order.

GET /returns/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/returns/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get wallet tokens data.

Returns a wallet token specified with ID in path.

GET /wallet_tokens/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wallet_tokens/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get wallet history data.

Returns history of a wallet specified with ID in path.

GET /wallet_history/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wallet_history/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get wallet settings data.

Returns all wallet settings.

GET /wallet_settings

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wallet_settings

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get courier zones.

Returns the range of a courier specified with ID in query.

GET /courier_zones

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/courier_zones?courier_id=13188216


  • courier_id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get invoices data.

Returns data for an invoice specified by ID.

GET /invoices/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/invoices/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get invoices data.

Returns data for an invoice template.

GET /invoice_template

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/invoice_template?type=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&lng=aliqua fugiat eu in sit


  • type

    (Required) Invoice type

  • lng

    (Required) Invoice language

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Convert price number into words.

Convert price number into words.

GET /to_slovom

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/to_slovom?total=-64168999.065337665


  • total

    (Required) Bill total

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get report products data.

Returns report products data.

GET /report_products

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/report_products

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get report products views.

Returns all report products views.

GET /report_products_views

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/report_products_views

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get report orders.

Returns all report orders.

GET /report_orders

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/report_orders

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get current SAAS plan.

GET /saas_plan

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/saas_plan

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get loyalty level data.

Returns all loyalty level data or for an ID specified in the path.

GET /loyalty_levels

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/loyalty_levels


  • id

    If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a loyalty level

Add a loyalty level.

POST /loyalty_levels

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/loyalty_levels

Example Body

  "title": "anim",
  "amount": 40464835.19566673

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get brands data.

Returns data for all brands.

GET /brands

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/brands

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get combinations

Returns data for all combinations

GET /combinations

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combinations

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post combinations

Add combinations for a given product.

POST /combinations

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combinations

Example Body

  "title": "nostrud anim cillum adipisicing",
  "status": -94357123,
  "unit_id": -57014025

200 OK Example Response

  "status": {},
  "obj": {}

Get combinations

Returns data for all combinations or a single one specified in path

GET /combination_categories

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combination_categories?list=true&dropList=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&spacer=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&level=13188216&parent_id=13188216&selected=true&search=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&admin_search=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&only_active=true&only_products=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&product_ids=23843476&product_ids=40664608&product_id=-56319185&only_featured=-56319185&parent=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&only_image=-56319185&sort=aliqua fugiat eu in sit


  • list

    Return data in a sorted list.

  • dropList

    Return data in a sorted list based on the following optional parameters.

  • spacer


  • level


  • parent_id

    Id of parent

  • selected


  • search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • admin_search

    What to search for, e.g. дрехи (Note: works best in Cyrillic)

  • only_active

    Return only active product categories

  • only_products

    Return only products

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_ids

    Return categories matching the list of product_ids

  • product_id

    Return the category matching this product_id

  • only_featured

    Return only featured categories/products (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • parent

    Return the category with this parent

  • only_image

    Return only categories with title image (allowed values: 0, 1)

  • sort

    Sort type, allowed values: 'oldest', 'products', 'title'

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post or sort combinations categories

Add a new combination category (images allowed via file upload) or sort existing categories by posting a preferred order for the categories.

POST /combination_categories

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/combination_categories

Example Body

  "sortItems": {}

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post products image order

Post products image order.

POST /products_img_order

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products_img_order

Example Body

  "processOrder": "dolor ex eiusmod labore",
  "order": [
    "velit id deserunt irure",
    "eiusmod velit"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post order invoice.

Create a new order invoice.

POST /orders_invoice

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/orders_invoice

Example Body

  "invoice_order": 44346183

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new invoice template.

Add a new or update an existing invoice template.

POST /invoice_templates

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/invoice_templates

Example Body

  "template_type": "veniam ex",
  "template": [
      "title": "eu dolor elit cillum",
      "body": "fugiat"
      "title": "cillum ea Excepteur dolore amet",
      "body": "occaecat proident"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post an invoice.

Add a new invoice

POST /invoice

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/invoice

Example Body

  "send": "dolor magna proident ipsum do",
  "invoice_id": -22524190,
  "html": "dolor Duis"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new brand

Add a new brand. (can post images along).

POST /brand

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/brand

Example Body

  "title": "nostrud enim do amet e",
  "description": "anim",
  "active": -59900827,
  "provider": [
      "provider_id": -24265407
      "provider_id": -4356647

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Modify an order payment method

Modify an order payment method

PUT /order_payment_method

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/order_payment_method

Example Body

  "id": -66725570,
  "payment_method": 20808902

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Modify an order status

Modify an order status

PUT /order_status

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/order_status

Example Body

  "id": 45474021,
  "status": -83638982

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Delete menu

Delete a menu specified by ID.

DELETE /menu/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/menu/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Post a menu

Add a new menu

POST /menu

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/menu

Example Body

  "sorting": 1,
  "title": "New menu",
  "active": 1

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Admin Menu

Get admin menu data

Returns all admin menus or a menu by ID.

GET /admin_menu/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/admin_menu/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the menu

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete admin menu

Delete an admin menu specified by ID.

DELETE /admin_menu/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/admin_menu/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get admin menu data

Returns all admin menus or a menu by HTML.

GET /admin_menu

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/admin_menu?html=


  • html

    HTML of the menu

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post admin menu.

Post a new admin menu or sort a list of your choice, JSON structure matters here. Level name key is not bound to just `level`.

POST /admin_menu

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/admin_menu

Example Body

  "title": "sunt",
  "parent_id": -29215013,
  "active": -45747615,
  "icon": "ullamco dolore nostrud Duis",
  "slug": "deserunt id Lorem reprehenderit",
  "active_divider": "et a",
  "lvl": [
      "level": "nisi exercitation"
      "level": "reprehenderit"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Checks if the user is admin

Checks if the user is admin.

GET /admin_menu_access

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/admin_menu_access?do=


  • do

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post contacts

Add or edit a contact.

POST /contacts

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/contacts

Example Body

  "email": "aliquip incididunt nisi sunt volu",
  "phone": "qui",
  "address": "aute est laborum"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post admin dashboard.

Post admin dashboard.

POST /dashboard

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/dashboard

Example Body

  "status": "ea amet",
  "sort": "officia sint Lorem dolore"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"



Get blog posts data

Returns a blog post by ID.

GET /blogPosts/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogPosts/:id?only_similar=true


  • id

    ID of the object

  • only_similar

    Return similar blog posts to this ID

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new blog post

Add a new blog post. Note: Images can also be sent along with the POST body.

POST /blogPosts/:id

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogPosts/:id

Example Body

  "title": "do ut",
  "cid": -75738070,
  "date_publish": "nulla deserunt cillum eiusmod",
  "html": "qui ea eu et",
  "site_id": 70689732,
  "seo_title": "occaecat Lorem",
  "seo_description": "velit minim",
  "active": -95881811,
  "main_article": "culpa officia proident do",
  "slug": "nostr",
  "similar_blog_posts": [
    "esse in et labor",
    "quis dolore"
  "related_blog_posts": [
    "Lorem ut quis nisi adipisicing"


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a blog post

Delete a blog post specified by ID.

DELETE /blogPosts/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogPosts/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get blog categories data

Returns a blog category by ID.

GET /blogCategories/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogCategories/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get blog posts data

Returns all blog posts.

GET /blogPosts

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogPosts

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Edit a blog post

Edit a blog post

PUT /blogPosts

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogPosts

Example Body

  "id": -84739669,
  "html": "quis ex in",
  "lang": "pariatur consequat sunt sed dolore"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get blog categories data

Returns all blog categories.

GET /blogCategories

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogCategories

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new blog category

Add a new blog category. Note: Images can also be sent along with the POST body.

POST /blogCategories

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/blogCategories

Example Body

  "title": "exercitation proident",
  "active": -9099152,
  "slug": "culpa eu in",
  "url": "sunt proident quis",
  "position": 77367182,
  "id": -97783493


  • id


200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get messages data

Returns all messages or a message by ID.

GET /messages

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/messages?only_new=true


  • only_new

    Return only new messages

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new message.

Send a new message or answer to an existing conversation (message `id` is required).

POST /messages

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/messages

Example Body

  "receiver_id": -29042312,
  "subject": "qui non in veniam",
  "message": "ea",
  "id": 14670999

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get message data

Returns a message by ID or the message history corresponding to the messages.

GET /messages/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/messages/:id?grouped=true


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • grouped

    Return grouped messages referencing the message

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Reply to a message.

Send a new message to an existing conversation.

POST /reply_message

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/reply_message

Example Body

  "group_id": -5551223,
  "message": "Excepteur laborum"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Toggle a system message on and off

POST /system_messages/:id

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/system_messages/:id


  • id

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a system message

Delete a system message specified by ID.

DELETE /system_messages/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/system_messages/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get settings data

Returns all or select few of the settings.

GET /settings

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/settings?full=true


  • full

    Return all settings, otherwise will return a shortened description.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post new app settings.

Create new app settings.

POST /settings

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/settings

Example Body

  "site_name": "cupidatat exercitation ut quis",
  "site_url": "laboris dolor incididunt ad aute",
  "site_email": "ipsum elit",
  "commenting": "consectetur",
  "facebook_page": "",
  "facebook_appID": "deserunt veniam",
  "google_analytics": "proident culpa sunt consequat",
  "company": "Duis magna voluptate sint",
  "city": "Lorem mollit ipsum adi",
  "address": "id nostrud reprehenderit velit",
  "eik": "Ut",
  "code": "laboris fugiat non in",
  "results_perpage_products": "velit magna dolor",
  "results_perpage_posts": "magna in ullamco anim",
  "quantity_alert": "pariatur",
  "google_ua": "quis",
  "apikey": "Lorem ex irure",
  "split_order": 88272817,
  "maintenance_mode": -76303913,
  "smtp_host": "proident eu in",
  "smtp_port": "Lorem Duis ut id",
  "smtp_user": "amet in cupidatat magna ",
  "smtp_pass": "occaecat deserunt",
  "smtp_from_address": "aliqua dolor",
  "price_with_vat": "in sunt quis",
  "products_default_weight": "dolore sint"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get web settings data

Returns all or select few of the settings.

GET /settings_web

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/settings_web?full=true


  • full

    Return all settings, otherwise will return a shortened description.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post web settings

Add or edit web settings data (can include logo and favicon in POST body).

POST /settings_web

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/settings_web

Example Body

  "scripts": {
    "header": "irure ut commodo",
    "footer": "magna proident sunt"
  "links": {
    "facebook": "proident non",
    "twitter": "dolore",
    "youtube": "enim incididunt",
    "instagram": "ut ut ex"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get modules settings data

Return modules settings data. Note: key is required.

GET /modules_settings

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/modules_settings?key=13188216


  • key

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get modules

Returns modules

GET /modules

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/modules

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get new modules

Returns modules

GET /modules_new

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/modules_new

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get all return statuses.

Returns all product return statuses.

GET /return_statuses

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/return_statuses

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get available data for couriers.

Returns all couriers or a courier specified by ID.

GET /couriers

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/couriers

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get available data for couriers.

Returns a courier specified by ID.

GET /couriers/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/couriers/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post integrations.

Post integrations.

POST /integrations

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/integrations

Example Body

  "code1": "exercitation fugiat",
  "status": "incididunt ut culpa",
  "title": "nulla mollit"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get current dev config. Returns plugins for page specified by URL or defaults to returning menus.

GET /dev_config

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/dev_config?page_url=13188216


  • page_url

    Get page plugins for this page.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get current site's SAAS status.

GET /saas

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/saas

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get SAAS data for site.

Returns SAAS data for the site ID specified in the path.

GET /saas/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/saas/:id


  • id

    (Required) If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get system messages

GET /system_messages

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/system_messages?unreaded=true


  • unreaded

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get templates for system messages

GET /system_messages_templates

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/system_messages_templates

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get templates for system messages

GET /system_messages_templates/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/system_messages_templates/:id


  • id


200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Start SAAS setup

Start SAAS setup.

POST /saas_setup

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/saas_setup

Example Body

  "first_name": "tempor cillum Excepteur",
  "last_name": "dolor nostrud minim dolore",
  "address": "esse ut dolor",
  "code": "adipisicing pariatur mollit minim",
  "city": "nostrud eiusmod",
  "country": "Excepteur commodo tempor",
  "phone": "reprehenderit nostrud Duis",
  "other_website": "dolore",
  "info": [
    "velit sed est",
    "elit ut ipsum officia"
  "are-you-selling": "irure officia Ut reprehenderit",
  "how-do-you-want-to-sell": "laborum ad dolore",
  "which-system-do-you-use-the-most": "Lorem elit",
  "current-revenue": "nostrud in",
  "industry": "dolor laboris"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Delete a language

Delete a language specified by ID.

DELETE /languages/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/languages/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get languages data

Returns the languages of a select project, otherwise returns all languages.

GET /languages

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/languages?project_name=13188216


  • project_name

    Return the language for the selected project.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post languages.

Post new languages.

POST /languages

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/languages

Example Body

  "title": "esse dolor",
  "code": "elit mollit cupidatat",
  "id": "qui magna"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post email templates.

Create a new email template.

POST /email_templates

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/email_templates

Example Body

  "name": "in et",
  "subject": "enim eu dolore",
  "body": "fugiat tempor ea Excepteur",
  "templateid": 42226150

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get providers data

Returns all providers or a provider specified by the ID.

GET /providers/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/providers/:id


  • id

    Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a provider or a provider image

Delete a provider or a provider's image specified by ID (mutually exlcusive: if `deleteImage` is present, it will only try to delete the image).

DELETE /providers/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/providers/:id?deleteImage=-56319185


  • id

    ID of the provider

  • deleteImage

    ID of the **image**

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get provider data

Returns provider data within given parameters.

GET /providers

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/providers?category_id=13188216&user_id=13188216


  • category_id

    Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

  • user_id

    Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new provider.

Post a new provider.

POST /providers

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/providers

Example Body

  "title": "ex nostrud est",
  "address": "consequat cupidatat fugiat nisi",
  "delivery": "dolore tempor culpa",
  "email": "ad sint minim",
  "email_second": "nulla",
  "phone": "ad do sit",
  "phone_second": "sint dolor ad",
  "markup": -86193725.04987921,
  "markup_min": 89190215,
  "shipping_price": -14324235.056375474,
  "shipping_price_free": -77447464.25313589

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Delete a slider

Delete a slider specified by ID.

DELETE /slider/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slider/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a slide

Delete a slide specified by ID.

DELETE /slide/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slide/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a slider layout

Delete a slider layout specified by ID.

DELETE /slider_layout/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slider_layout/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get slider layers data.

Returns all slider layers data.

GET /slider_layers/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slider_layers/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get sliders data.

Returns all slider data.

GET /sliders

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/sliders

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get sliders data.

Returns slider data for this ID.

GET /sliders/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/sliders/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get sliders data.

Returns slider data (special).

GET /slides

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slides?slider_id=13188216


  • slider_id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get slider data for the given ID.

Returns slider data.

GET /slides/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slides/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post slider

Post new slider.

POST /slider

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slider

Example Body

  "title": "id",
  "active": 58285873

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post slider

Post new slider.

POST /slide

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slide

Example Body

  "title": "ipsum Duis",
  "active": -80298442,
  "slider_id": -80036770,
  "button_text": "proident",
  "button_url": "sunt",
  "text_color": "enim",
  "text": "aliquip",
  "id": -25001327

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Modify slider layout

Post new slider.

POST /slider_layout

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/slider_layout

Example Body

  "id": 45622845,
  "type": "do amet in",
  "type_button": "Excepteur dolor",
  "button_url": "qui dolor",
  "button_text": "nisi Lorem",
  "value": "incididunt ullamco",
  "text_color": "non est qui",
  "text_font_size": "aute laboris veniam",
  "text_font_weight": "nostrud veniam fugiat dolore",
  "text_shadow": "est ullamco dolor",
  "x": 28660520,
  "y": 57172727,
  "slider_id": -48518622,
  "slide_id": -4097660,
  "text": "ut minim deseru"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get banners data.

Returns a banner specified with ID in path.

GET /banners/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/banners/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get comments data.

Returns comments on a page/product specified with ID in path.

GET /comment/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/comment/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get dashboards data.

Returns all dashboards data.

GET /dashboards

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/dashboards

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get data for integrations

Returns data for all integrations.

GET /integrations

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/integrations

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get data for integrations

Returns data for an integration specified with ID.

GET /integrations/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/integrations/:id


  • id

    Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get email templates data.

Returns all email templates.

GET /email_templates

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/email_templates

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get email templates data.

Returns a template specified with ID.

GET /email_templates/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/email_templates/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get pos templates data.

Returns all POS templates.

GET /pos_templates

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_templates

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get pos templates data.

Returns a POS template specified with ID.

GET /pos_templates/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_templates/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for the item corresponding to the ID.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get admin gateways data.

Returns all admin gateways.

GET /gateways

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/gateways

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new gateway.

Create a new gateway.

POST /gateways

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/gateways

Example Body

  "gateway_id": -2981381,
  "title": "nulla ",
  "name": "Ut",
  "value": -51425321,
  "type": -42028853

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get admin gateways data.

Returns a single gateway specified with ID in path.

GET /gateways/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/gateways/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get contacts

Returns contacts.

GET /contacts

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/contacts

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Delete a banner or a banner image

Delete a banner the image of one specified by ID.

DELETE /banners/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/banners/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Post new banners.

Create new banners (supports images). Banner title must be unique.

POST /banners

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/banners

Example Body

  "title": "in dolore",
  "link": "eiusmod in",
  "active": 1528765,
  "popup": "velit ut",
  "popup_timer": 93590325

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get membership types.

Returns a membership type specified with ID.

GET /membership_types/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/membership_types/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a membership type

Delete a membership type specified by ID.

DELETE /membership_types/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/membership_types/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a user membership

Terminate a user membership specified by ID.

DELETE /membership_user/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/membership_user/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get memberships data.

Returns a membership specified with ID in path.

GET /memberships/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/memberships/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a membership

Delete a membership specified by ID.

DELETE /memberships/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/memberships/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get membership types.

Returns all membership types.

GET /membership_types

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/membership_types

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a membership type.

Creates a new membership type.

POST /membership_types

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/membership_types

Example Body

  "type": "magna ut esse dolor",
  "title": "ad sit",
  "active": "magna nulla in"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get memberships data.

Returns all memberships data.

GET /memberships

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/memberships

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Updates a user with a membership.

Updates a user with a membership.

POST /membership_user

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/membership_user

Example Body

  "user_id": -60745985,
  "membership_id": -78623856

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new membership.

Create a new membership.

POST /membership

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/membership

Example Body

  "price": 22273945.31701155,
  "title": "laborum Excepteur mollit",
  "active": -41204132,
  "membership_type": -22436565,
  "provider_action": 67339629,
  "product_type_action": 64527672

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get warehouses data.

Returns a warehouse specified with ID in path.

GET /warehouses/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/warehouses/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a warehouse

Delete a warehouse specified by ID.

DELETE /warehouses/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/warehouses/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get warehouses location data.

Returns the location of a warehouse specified with ID in path.

GET /wh_locations/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_locations/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a warehouse location

Delete a warehouse location specified by ID.

DELETE /wh_locations/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_locations/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a warehouse delivery status

Remove a warehouse delivery status specified by ID.

DELETE /wh_delivery_status/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_delivery_status/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get warehouses rate types.

Returns the warehouse rate types of a warehouse specified with ID in path.

GET /wh_delivery_rate_types/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_delivery_rate_types/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a warehouse delivery rate type

Delete a warehouse delivery rate type specified by ID.

DELETE /wh_delivery_rate_types/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_delivery_rate_types/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get delivery rates of warehouse providers.

Returns the delivery rates of a provider specified with ID in path.

GET /wh_providers_delivery_rate/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_providers_delivery_rate/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a warehouse provider's delivery rate

Delete a warehouse provider's delivery rate specified by ID.

DELETE /wh_providers_delivery_rate/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_providers_delivery_rate/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get delivery rates of warehouses.

Returns the delivery rates of a warehouse specified with ID in path.

GET /wh_warehouses_delivery_rate/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_warehouses_delivery_rate/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a warehouse's delivery rate

Delete a warehouse's delivery rate specified by ID.

DELETE /wh_warehouses_delivery_rate/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_warehouses_delivery_rate/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get warehouse loading/charging data.

Returns loading/charging data for a warehouse specified with ID.

GET /wh_chargings/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_chargings/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get warehouses data.

Returns all warehouses data.

GET /warehouses

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/warehouses

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new warehouse.

Creates a new warehouse object. Unless `id` is supplied, it will attempt to register the warehouse anew as a User.

POST /warehouses

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/warehouses

Example Body

  "id": 48573004,
  "title": "cillum",
  "country_id": 59703016,
  "email": "mollit in",
  "password": "do consequat dolore",
  "region_id": "et do minim eu"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get warehouses location data.

Returns the location of all warehouses.

GET /wh_locations

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_locations

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new warehouse location.

Not functional at the moment.

POST /wh_locations

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_locations

Example Body

  "title": "cupidatat amet id"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get warehouses delivery statuses.

Returns the delivery status of all warehouses.

GET /wh_delivery_statuses

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_delivery_statuses

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get warehouses delivery statuses.

Returns the delivery status of a warehouse specified with ID in path.

GET /wh_delivery_statuses/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_delivery_statuses/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get warehouses rate types.

Returns the warehouse rate types of all warehouses.

GET /wh_delivery_rate_types

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_delivery_rate_types

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get delivery rates of warehouse providers.

Returns the delivery rates of all providers.

GET /wh_providers_delivery_rate

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_providers_delivery_rate

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new warehouse provider's delivery rate.

Post a new warehouse provider's delivery rate.

POST /wh_providers_delivery_rate

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_providers_delivery_rate

Example Body

  "provider": "dolor",
  "country_id": -91284019,
  "weight": -56759655.54151086,
  "price": 91720634.73462781,
  "type": -38487746,
  "from": "do velit ullamco nisi",
  "to": "culpa",
  "free_shipping": 33825933

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get delivery rates of warehouses.

Returns the delivery rates of all warehouses.

GET /wh_warehouses_delivery_rate

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_warehouses_delivery_rate

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new warehouse delivery rate.

Post a new warehouse delivery rate.

POST /wh_warehouses_delivery_rate

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_warehouses_delivery_rate

Example Body

  "warehouse": "est eu deserunt esse",
  "country_id": 67501822,
  "weight": 20666118.77546163,
  "price": -44493865.649522,
  "type": -11497703,
  "from": "aliquip consequat in",
  "to": "et nostrud elit culpa",
  "free_shipping": 80351958

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new warehouse delivery status.

Post a new warehouse delivery status.

POST /wh_delivery_status

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_delivery_status

Example Body

  "title": "cupidatat amet id"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new warehouse delivery rate type.

Post a new warehouse delivery rate type.

POST /wh_delivery_rate_type

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_delivery_rate_type

Example Body

  "title": "cupidatat amet id"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post stock for a warehouse.

Update stock for a warehouse.

POST /wh_stock

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_stock

Example Body

  "price": -22807203.41298279,
  "warehouse_id": 54619634,
  "data_id": -19891021,
  "qty": 2094072

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post stock for a warehouse.

Update stock for a warehouse.

POST /wh_charging

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wh_charging

Example Body

  "warehouse": "aute ipsum laborum",
  "provider": "consectetur dolor velit",
  "product": "exercitation cupidatat dolor",
  "var_qty": [
      "productId": 68666113
      "productId": -81566890

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Reverse Auction

Delete an auction

Delete an auction specified by ID.

DELETE /auction/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/auction/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete an auction step

Delete an auction step specified by ID.

DELETE /auction_step/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/auction_step/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get products from auctions.

Return auction products.

GET /auction

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/auction

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new auction.

Create a new auction for a given product.

POST /auction

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/auction

Example Body

  "product_id": 87140463

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get auctions steps.

Return auction steps.

GET /auction_steps

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/auction_steps

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get auctions step.

Return auction step.

GET /auction_steps/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/auction_steps/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Add or edit an auction step.

Add or edit an auction step.

POST /auction_step

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/auction_step

Example Body

  "title": 93317923,
  "days": "tempor ea",
  "percent": "pariatur consectetur Ut",
  "id": 84972836

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Delete a cart product

Delete a cart product specified by ID.

DELETE /pos_cart/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_cart/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete all products in the cart.

Delete all products in the cart.

DELETE /pos_cart

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_cart

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a POS object

Delete a POS object specified by ID.

DELETE /pos_object/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_object/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete a POS client

Delete a POS client specified by ID.

DELETE /pos_client/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_client/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Post POS templates

Add POS templates.

POST /pos_templates

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_templates

Example Body

  "name": "anim esse dolore",
  "body": "aute exercitation irure",
  "templateid": -12734897,
  "help": "sunt proident Ut"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS current car.

Returns data for the current POS cart.

GET /pos_current_cart

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_current_cart

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS current cart values.

Returns data for the current POS cart value.

GET /pos_current_cart_values

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_current_cart_values

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS report payments.

Returns data for POS report payments.

GET /pos_get_report_payments

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_get_report_payments

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS client.

Returns data for POS client.

GET /pos_client

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_client

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new POS client.

Add a new or update an existing POS (Point of Sale) client (if you just wish to update, please include your POS client ID.

POST /pos_client

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_client

Example Body

  "ime": "in dolore eiusmod",
  "familiq": "eiusmod ex nisi",
  "telefon": "esse aute",
  "bulstat": "ipsum irure ad dolor laborum",
  "discount": "ullamco dolor aliqua ex",
  "grad": "ut",
  "adres": "dolore cillum ad",
  "id": "adipisicing"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS cashier register data.

Returns data for POS cashier register.

GET /pos_kasa

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_kasa

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS objects data.

Returns data for all POS objects.

GET /pos_objects

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_objects

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS objects data.

Returns data a POS object specified by ID.

GET /pos_objects/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_objects/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS remark tags data.

Returns data for POS remark tags.

GET /pos_remark_tags

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_remark_tags

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get POS products by category.

Returns data for POS products by category.

GET /pos_products_by_category

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_products_by_category?categoryId=13188216


  • categoryId

    (Required) ID of the category

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Initialize products for POS.

Initializes products for POS.

GET /pos_init_products

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_init_products

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Populate POS products.

Populates data for POS products.

GET /pos_populate_products

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_populate_products

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Add product to POS cart.

Add product to POS cart.

POST /pos_add_to_cart

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_add_to_cart

Example Body

  "productId": 9691028

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Process client order.

Process client order.

POST /pos_order

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_order

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new POS object.

Add a new POS (Point of Sale) object.

POST /pos_object

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_object

Example Body

  "title": "consequat aute",
  "code": "anim ex",
  "invoice_start": "irure dolor ex"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post remark tags

Add remark tags.

POST /remark_tags

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/remark_tags

Example Body

  "tags": [
    "est reprehenderit do ea",
    "nulla officia Excepteur exercitation"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Increase product quantity

Increade product quantity

PUT /pos_increase_product_qty

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_increase_product_qty

Example Body

  "product_id": -52226181,
  "qty": 87971324

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Apply discount

Apply discount on a Point of Sale

PUT /pos_apply_discount

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_apply_discount

Example Body

  "discount": -10861215

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Update cart values

Update cart values

PUT /pos_cart_values

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/pos_cart_values

Example Body

  "discount": 19812101

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get regions data.

Returns region data for an ID specified in the path.

GET /regions/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/regions/:id


  • id

    If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a region

Delete a region specified by ID.

DELETE /regions/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/regions/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get countries data.

Returns data for all countries.

GET /countries

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/countries?region=


  • region

    Filter by countries, EU as value is allowed.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Update a country

Update a country data.

POST /countries

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/countries

Example Body

  "vat": "volu"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get countries data.

Returns data for a country specified by ID in path.

GET /countries/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/countries/:id


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get regions data.

Returns region data for all regions.

GET /regions

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/regions

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a region

Add or update a region.

POST /regions

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/regions

Example Body

  "title": "laborum culpa in",
  "percent": 49650981,
  "show_vat": -46669798

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post images

Post images.

POST /images

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/images

Example Body

  "path": "sit ut non in Ut",
  "base64": "amet do irure",
  "vat": "nulla",
  "filename": "dolore commodo labore"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get newsletters data.

Returns data for all newsletters.

GET /newsletters

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/newsletters?sort_by_user=true


  • sort_by_user

    If present, sort by user

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a newsletter.

Add or edit a newsletter.

POST /newsletters

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/newsletters

Example Body

  "title": "quis amet culpa sit cupidatat",
  "send_to": 54730692,
  "group_id": "laborum elit i",
  "user_ids": "anim commodo laborum",
  "body": "qui Excepteur proident"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get newsletters data.

Returns data for a newsletter specified by ID.

GET /newsletters/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/newsletters/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a newsletters group.

Add or edit a newsletters group.

POST /newslettersGroup

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/newslettersGroup

Example Body

  "id": 76506901,
  "name": "laboris aliquip enim",
  "email_ids": "consequat pariatur sint Lorem proident"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Delete a comment

Delete a comment specified by ID.

DELETE /comment/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/comment/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Edit a comment or ban a commenter based on commentId.

Edit a comment or ban a commenter based on commentId.

POST /comments

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/comments

Example Body

  "comment_id": -48966016,
  "date": "labore cillum officia",
  "comment": "qui sit",
  "rating": 31820965,
  "status": 56314694,
  "name": "magna Duis aliquip dolore"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Same as /comments

Edit a comment or ban a commenter based on commentId.

POST /reviews

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/reviews

Example Body

  "comment_id": -48966016,
  "date": "labore cillum officia",
  "comment": "qui sit",
  "rating": 31820965,
  "status": 56314694,
  "name": "magna Duis aliquip dolore"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Delete a TODO task

Delete a TODO task specified by ID.

DELETE /todo/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/todo/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get TODO list data.

Returns TODO list data.

GET /todo

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/todo

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new TODO task.

Create a new TODO task or update an existing one.

POST /todo

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/todo

Example Body

  "body": "culpa sint eiusmod aliqua cillum",
  "finished": false

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Finish a TODO task.

Finish a TODO task.

POST /toggle_todo

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/toggle_todo

Example Body

  "id": -37275362

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get ads data.

Returns ads data for an ID specified in the path.

GET /ads/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads/:id


  • id

    (Required) If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete an ad

Delete an ad specified by ID.

DELETE /ads/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get ads types.

Returns ads types for all ads or for an ID specified in the path.

GET /ads_types/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_types/:id?ad_id=13188216


  • id

    (Required) If present, return data for this object.

  • ad_id

    If id is present in the path, restrict results for this ID

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete an ad type

Delete an ad type specified by ID.

DELETE /ads_types/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_types/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get ads fields data.

Returns ads fields data for an ID specified in the path.

GET /ads_fields/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_fields/:id


  • id

    (Required) If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete an ad field or only an ad field option

Delete an ad field or only an ad field option specified by ID.

DELETE /ads_fields/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_fields/:id?option=true


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • option

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get ads statuses data.

Returns ads statuses data for an ID specified in the path.

GET /ads_statuses/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_statuses/:id


  • id

    If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete an ad status

Delete an ad status specified by ID.

DELETE /ads_statuses/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_statuses/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete an ad image

Delete an ad image specified by ID.

DELETE /ads_images/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_images/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get ad plans.

Returns ad plans data for an ID specified in the path.

GET /ads_plans/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_plans/:id


  • id

    (Required) If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete an ad plan

Delete an ad plan specified by ID.

DELETE /ads_plans/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_plans/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Delete an ad subscription

Delete an ad subscription specified by ID.

DELETE /ads_subscriptions/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_subscriptions/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get ads dashboard statistics.

Returns ads dashboard statistics data for orders, pages or users as specified in query parameters. If not specified, defaults to pages. Query parameters are mutually exlcusive.

GET /dashboard_statistics

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/dashboard_statistics?orders=true&pages=true&users=true


  • orders

    If present, return order statistics

  • pages

    If present, return page statistics

  • users

    If present, return user statistics

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get ads types.

Returns ads types for all ads.

GET /ads_types

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_types

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post an ad type.

Add or edit an ad type.

POST /ads_types

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_types

Example Body

  "title": "exercitation tempor",
  "fields": [
    "officia occaecat minim adipisicing",
    "occaecat nostrud sed dolore"
  "required_fields": [

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get ads data.

Returns ads data for all ads filtered by query parameters.

GET /ads

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads?search=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&admin_search=-56319185&type=-56319185&status=-56319185&user=-56319185&category=-56319185&only_vip=-56319185&options=aliqua fugiat eu in sit


  • search

    Keywords to search for

  • admin_search

  • type

  • status

  • user

  • category

  • only_vip

  • options

    Comma-delimited list of options, e.g. 1,2,3,4

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post an ad.

Add or edit an ad, supports image upload.

POST /ads

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads

Example Body

  "title": "pariatur consequat cillum voluptate",
  "description": "dolore ex",
  "status_id": -37576894,
  "type_id": 7185039,
  "category_id": 6768055,
  "subtitle": "Excepteur pariat",
  "tags": "laboris ullamco"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get ads fields data.

Returns ads fields data for all ads.

GET /ads_fields

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_fields?type_id=13188216


  • type_id

    Return data for this ad type.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post ad fields.

Add or edit ad fields.

POST /ads_fields

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_fields

Example Body

  "title": "in officia ad eiusmod",
  "type": "irure",
  "option": [
    "est nostr",
    "dolore est non"
  "ex_option": [
      "description": "Example must be replaced with the example field and the value corresponding to it must be the option",
      "type": "string"
      "description": "Example must be replaced with the example field and the value corresponding to it must be the option",
      "type": "string"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get ads fields types data.

Note: Not implemented. Returns ads fields types data for all ads or for an ID specified in the path.

GET /ads_fields_types

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_fields_types

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get ads statuses data.

Returns ads statuses data for all ads.

GET /ads_statuses

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_statuses


  • id

    If present, return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post an ad status

Add an ad status.

POST /ads_statuses

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_statuses

Example Body

  "title": "sed quis non exercitation",
  "ad_type": -50728424

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get ads categories.

Returns ads categories data for all ads. If list is specified, group in a sorted list. If `dropList` is specified, group by according to the following 4 arguments that must be supplied.

GET /ads_categories

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_categories?list=true&dropList=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&spacer=aliqua fugiat eu in sit&level=13188216&parent_id=13188216&selected=true


  • list

    Return data in a sorted list.

  • dropList

    Return data in a sorted list based on the following mandatory parameters.

  • spacer


  • level


  • parent_id

    Id of parent

  • selected


200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new ad category

Add a new ad category.

POST /ads_categories

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_categories

Example Body

  "title": "amet proident ut",
  "parent_id": 1448784,
  "active": -59506811,
  "slug": "deserunt cillum",
  "description": "ut adipisicing",
  "url": "non deseru",
  "cat_paths": [
    "sunt aliqua do dolor irure"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get ads categories.

Returns ads categories data for an ID specified in the path.

GET /ads_categories/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_categories/:id


  • id

    Return data for the selected project.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get ad plans.

Returns ad plans data for all ad.

GET /ads_plans

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_plans

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post ad plans.

Add or edit ad plans.

POST /ads_plans

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_plans

Example Body

  "title": "nostrud ea cupidatat et",
  "time": "volu",
  "option": [
    "dolore eiusmod non ad",
    "Lorem dolor minim amet"
  "ex_option": [
      "description": "Example must be replaced with the example field and the value corresponding to it must be the option",
      "type": "string"
      "description": "Example must be replaced with the example field and the value corresponding to it must be the option",
      "type": "string"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post an ad subscription.

Add an ad subscripion.

POST /ads_subscriptions

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/ads_subscriptions

Example Body

  "ad_id": -87960792,
  "plan_id": 95012884

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get currencies data.

Returns currencies data for a given ID.

GET /currencies/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/currencies/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a currency

Delete a currency specified by ID.

DELETE /currencies/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/currencies/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get currencies data.

Returns currencies data.

GET /currencies

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/currencies?default=true&value=-56319185


  • default

    If present, display the default currency

  • value

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a currency.

Add a new currency or update an existing one. If `default` or `auto_upd` are not specified, `value` must be included.

POST /currencies

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/currencies

Example Body

  "code": "dolor velit nisi minim ut",
  "symbol": "Duis",
  "default": "laborum dolore",
  "auto_upd": "magna",
  "value": "ipsum ea irure exercitation sunt"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Returns cookie data (banner, content, data, etc.)

GET /cookie

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/cookie

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post cookies.

Edit cookies.

POST /cookie

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/cookie

Example Body

  "position": "nisi",
  "layout": "minim cillum officia",
  "banner_color": "nostrud consectetur incididunt al",
  "banner_text_color": "adipisicing reprehenderit U",
  "btn_color": "dolor",
  "btn_text_color": "dolor in",
  "url_policy": "aliquip velit dolore",
  "message": "ut tempor",
  "btn_accept": "Lorem nulla",
  "policy_text": "non anim irure ut"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get units data.

Returns data for a single unit specified by ID.

GET /units/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/units/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a unit

Delete a unit specified by ID.

DELETE /units/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/units/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get units data.

Returns data for all units

GET /units

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/units


  • id

    ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post units.

Add or edit shop units.

POST /units

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/units

Example Body

  "id": -1311632,
  "title": "culpa nisi consequat"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get QA data.

Returns QA data for all shops.

GET /qa/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/qa/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a QA

Delete a QA entry specified by ID.

DELETE /qa/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/qa/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get QA data.

Returns QA data for all shops.

GET /qa

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/qa?status=13188216&visible=13188216


  • status

  • visible

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Edit a QA

Edit a QA

PUT /qa

$ curl -X PUT https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/qa

Example Body

  "id": -37275362

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new QA.

Add or edit a QA.

POST /qa

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/qa

Example Body

  "parent_id": 90928270,
  "text": "velit eu et in",
  "product_id": 40407347,
  "id": 23241042,
  "user_id": 20998626,
  "user_name": "ea",
  "date": "2009-07-25",
  "visible": 18714724,
  "subject": "dolore tempor dolor"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Post a CSV preview

Post a CSV preview. (a CSV file).

POST /csv_preview

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/csv_preview

Example Body

  "name": "filename.csv",
  "tmp_name": "temp_filename.csv"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a CSV file

Import a CSV file.

POST /csvimport

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/csvimport

Example Body

  "filename": "elit",
  "rows": [
    "nisi officia sit id",

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a CSV file

Import a CSV file.

POST /login

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/login

Example Body

  "email": "in nulla",
  "password": "reprehenderit non adipisicing aliqua"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Post talents.

Add a new talent. CV with tag `cv` can be uploaded along with the request body

POST /talents

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/talents

Example Body

  "name": "proident",
  "position": "non dolor proident a",
  "stack": "dolor in irure",
  "level": "in ipsum voluptate",
  "type": "in cillum Duis",
  "experience": "est voluptate ullamco Ut aliquip",
  "internalId": "commodo nulla amet",
  "active": 27359986

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Post a new wallet.

Create a new wallet.

POST /wallets

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wallets

Example Body

  "user_id": -2399412,
  "tokens": 90117608

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post a new wallet setting.

Update wallet settings. Changes the wallet to be *active* for specific use cases: `active` can be one of `allprodcuts`, `amount`, `unit`, or `nothing`.

POST /wallets_settings

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/wallets_settings

Example Body

  "status": 44345756,
  "tokens": 55290593,
  "active": "sit aliquip laboris"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get partner data.

Returns data for a partner with ID specified in the path.

GET /partners/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/partners/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a partner or a partner's image

Delete a partner or a partner's image specified by ID.

DELETE /partners/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/partners/:id?deleteImage=true


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • deleteImage

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get search replacement data.

Returns search replacement data with ID specified in path.

GET /search/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/search/:id


  • id

    (Required) Return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a search result

Delete a search result specified by ID.

DELETE /search/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/search/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get timeslots.

Returns data for timeslots associated with an ID specified in the path.

GET /timeslots/:id

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/timeslots/:id


  • id

    Return data for this object.

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Delete a timeslot

Delete a timeslot specified by ID.

DELETE /timeslots/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/timeslots/:id


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Get partner data.

Returns data for all partners.

GET /partners

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/partners

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post partner data

Add or edit partner data (supports image attachments).

POST /partners

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/partners

Example Body

  "title": "quis voluptate veniam nisi",
  "obj": {}

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get timeslots.

Returns data for warehouse timeslots.

GET /timeslots

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/timeslots?warehouse_id=-56319185&day=-56319185


  • warehouse_id

  • day

    Filter to day hours

200 OK Example Response


400 Bad Request Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post timeslots for a warehouse

Add timeslot data for a warehouse.

POST /timeslots

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/timeslots

Example Body

  "start": "labore veniam deserunt cillum",
  "end": "mollit est",
  "warehouse_id": -18529571,
  "quantity": 26856358,
  "price": 46146230,
  "free_shipping": -71981961,
  "day0": 63451367,
  "day1": 60707521,
  "day2": 78629465,
  "day3": -93437998,
  "day4": -44036271,
  "day5": 92884387,
  "day6": -87116944

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Sort product items

Sort product items

POST /products_order

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/products_order

Example Body

    "": {}
    "": {}

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post search data

Perform search with replacement

POST /search

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/search

Example Body

  "original": [
    "do in sunt eiusmod exercitation",
    "sed cillum null"
  "replacement": [
    "tempor nostrud",
    "sed pariatur veniam"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post timeslots for a warehouse

Add timeslot data for a warehouse.

POST /memberMailchimp

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/memberMailchimp

Example Body

  "start": "ullamco minim officia commodo",
  "end": "esse officia",
  "warehouse_id": -83912042,
  "quantity": -11684068,
  "price": -7075743,
  "free_shipping": 58267916

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Get data for Econt.

Returns settings for Econt

GET /econt

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/econt

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post ECONT settings

Add or edit ECONT settings.

POST /econt

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/econt

Example Body

  "username": "labore tempor officia",
  "password": "deserunt"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Get data for Speedy.

Returns settings for Speedy

GET /speedy

$ curl -X GET https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/speedy

200 OK Example Response


404 Not Found Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"

Post Speedy settings

Add or edit Speedy settings.

POST /speedy

$ curl -X POST https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/speedy

Example Body

  "username": "labore tempor officia",
  "password": "deserunt"

200 OK Example Response

  "status": 33245881,
  "msg": "eu in ut"


Delete a warehouse

Delete a warehouse specified by ID of the warehouse.

DELETE /charging_history/:id

$ curl -X DELETE https://core.expozy.com/api/admin/charging_history/:id?image=true


  • id

    (Required) ID of the object

  • image

    Whether to only delete an image

200 OK Example Response

  "status": -57646461

Expozy Structure

Expozy's admin structure is intended to provide a great starting point for both large and small projects. It's a combination of the API Core, the Admin Panel and your website's frontend.


The Api Core is the place where all the control over the data in both admin panel and the website's frontend comes from, and it's highly opened for modifications.

It has a library of classes that determines the modules and all their methods. It also uses plugins and helpers for additional features.

The API methods that will be used in the Admin Panel and the Frontend are defined in the api folder in the specified subdirectory as a GET, POST, PUT or DELETE request.


.htaccess is a configuration file for use on web servers running the Apache Web Server software. These .htaccess files can be used to alter the configuration of the Apache Web Server software to enable/disable additional functionality and features that the Apache Web Server software has to offer.


The configuration file is used to include global constants and initializations. For example, different path constants, localization settings, error logs directory, and so on. The Admin configuration file also gets the data for the current project and its database.


DataTables is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool for filling HTML tables with data, and it's used with the Admin API in the admin panel.


The languages can be seen in the admin panel as a module where you can choose the languages your website is going to use. The modules that contain contents for the frontend (example: products, posts, pages) of the website can be edited in the admin panel while the chosen language is active. That will update the data that will be displayed as a translation for it. There are also language constants defined in json files that can be used.


In the Core, you will also find the "uploads" folder which contains all the images uploaded to the server. It contains subfolders named with the projects' ID and a level deeper the images are sorted by modules.